The Nam Lee Board of Directors and Management are committed to good standards of corporate governance by implementing the measures and practices recommended by the Code of Corporate Governance 2018 (the “Code”) and the Listing Manual (the “Listing Manual”) of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. For effective corporate governance, the Company has put in place various self-regulatory and monitoring mechanisms.
The Company’s corporate governance report, which is updated annually, is enclosed in the respective Annual Report of the year. The report outlines the Company’s corporate governance practices and activities for that financial year in relation to each of the principles contained in the Code as well as the relevant rules in the Listing Manual.
The Company seeks to comply with the best practices as outlined in the Code where applicable, feasible and practical to the Company, and material deviations are explained. The Company has also complied with the Listing Manual, where applicable.
For the Nam Lee Annual Reports, please refer to the “Investor Relations” page.